For the sake of your health -
Preventative care with an infrared cabin by Infraworld

The benefits of infrared heat
Deep heat is heat that gets under the skin. The infrared radiation energy is absorbed by the upper skin layers and penetrates into the body via the blood vessels of the skin as thermal energy, quickly distributed all around the body through the blood circulation.
This leads to an increase in body temperature and excessive sweating. The sweat volume is significantly higher than during sauna sessions. The positive effects of sweating cures have been undisputed for thousands of years.

Where does infrared heat support
- Intensive sweating has positive effects on the immune system and gently trains the cardiovascular system.
- Infrared radiation can also support the treatment of back and joint problems. Before and after sport, infrared is ideally suited to relax muscles.
- Sweating cleans the skin and can contribute to improved texture.
- Slowing down during a session in an infrared cabin fosters well-being and increases vitality.

More sweating, less temperature
The sweat volume in an infrared cabin is significantly (up to 7 times) higher than in a sauna. This can be reached at a circulation-friendly cabin temperature starting from 30°C. For this reason infrared cabins are especially well suited for children and elderly people.
We recommend a session of about 30 to 45 minutes at a cabin temperature of 40 - 50°C (according to your personal health). For specific healthcare protection, 2 to 3 sessions per week are sufficient. It is important that you drink enough fluids.

Absolutely agreeable for old and young
Infrared heaters and heating panels in an Infraworld cabin are adapted in a way that the temperature in the heat cabin does not rise too much, but remains circulation-friendly. Therefore, this well-being programme is also best suited for elderly people or children.
During pregnancy infrared is also generally agreeable after the third month, however, please be sure to discuss this with your gynaecologist beforehand.

Anti-ageing in the cabin
Sweating is the best exercise for the skin. Its blood supply is better, the acid protective barrier remains strong and the capacity for moisture retention is increased. This leads to more moisture, elasticity and slows down the ageing of the skin.
Furthermore, sweating loosens dead skin cells, which can be rinsed off easily like after a peel. So you have your own unique anti-ageing programme immediately at hand.

How infrared warmth and brine vapour promote your health
For more than two decades, we have devoted ourselves to the positive effects of infrared radiation. Our VITALlight heaters produce valuable infrared ABC radiation with particularly high intensity for local use, according to the model of the natural infrared spectrum of the sun.
Whereas our heating panels guarantee constant radiation from all sides and gentle relaxing warmth. Combining both systems and integrating the Sole-Therme salt evaporator - such as our TrioSol cabins do - you have a powerful health refuge for your home.
Based on our many years of experience we recommend the combination of all three systems to additionally treat various disorders, which are listed in the adjacent table.
- Was versteht man unter Tiefenwärme und wie wirkt sie auf den Körper?
Tiefenwärme, wie sie durch Infrarotstrahlung erzeugt wird, dringt tief in die Haut ein und wirkt direkt auf die Muskeln und das Gewebe, was verschiedene gesundheitliche Vorteile mit sich bringt. - Wie unterstützt die Infrarotwärme das Immunsystem und das Herz-Kreislauf-System?
Diese Art von Wärme kann das Immunsystem stärken und das Herz-Kreislauf-System unterstützen, indem sie die Durchblutung fördert und zur Entspannung beiträgt. - Inwiefern kann Infrarotstrahlung bei der Behandlung von Rücken- und Gelenkproblemen helfen?
Bei Rücken- und Gelenkproblemen kann die Infrarotstrahlung helfen, indem sie Schmerzen lindert und die Heilung unterstützt. - Welche Vorteile bietet eine Infrarotsitzung für die Haut und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden?
Infrarotsitzungen können auch die Hautgesundheit verbessern und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden steigern, indem sie zur Entgiftung des Körpers beitragen und Stress abbauen. - Warum ist das Schweißvolumen in einer Infrarotkabine höher als in einer traditionellen Sauna und welche Temperaturen sind dabei empfehlenswert?
Das Schweißvolumen ist in einer Infrarotkabine oft höher als in einer traditionellen Sauna, da die Wärme tiefer in den Körper eindringt, was bei niedrigeren Temperaturen eine effektive Entschlackung ermöglicht. - Für welche Altersgruppen sind Infrarotkabinen besonders gut geeignet und warum?
Infrarotkabinen sind für Menschen aller Altersgruppen geeignet, da sie eine sanftere Alternative zur traditionellen Sauna darstellen. - Wie kann Infrarotwärme als Anti-Aging-Programm für die Haut dienen?
Zudem kann die Infrarotwärme als Teil eines Anti-Aging-Programms für die Haut dienen, indem sie die Durchblutung fördert und zur Regeneration der Hautzellen beiträgt.